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Change1t App Documentation
Approval Workflows
Assigning approvers
Creating templates
Applying templates
Setting a default template
Automations with templates
Notifying approvers
Responding to a review request
Subitem Templates and Automations
Applying a subitem template
Creating a subitem template
Configuring a template board
Copy existing subitems as a template
Using automations to apply templates
Rosters for Slack
Creating a roster
Editing a Roster
Checking the upcoming schedule
Skipping a task
Skipping to another person
Creating rosters in private channels
Change1t App Documentation
Rosters for Slack
Skipping a task
For times when the task does not need to be completed for that rotation you can skip the task entirely for that week or day or month.
A skipped task will move the rostered person to the next rotation
Checking the upcoming schedule
Skipping to another person
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