Approvers by default are not notified that they have been added to an item. Instead this is configurable via automations.
The automation is configurable to notify the approvers of an item under any condition available. Let’s look at what it would look like to set this up so that approvers are notified that the item is ready for review when an item is moved to a “Review” status.
  1. Click the “Automation” button on your board
  1. Click on “Board automations”
  1. Click “Add automation”
  1. Choose the “when a status changes” condition (or any other condition you wish)
  1. Choose the action “Notify approvers”
  1. Save your automation
Once configured under your selected condition approvers will receive a monday.com notification requesting a review.
Configuring an automation to notify approvers
Configuring an automation to notify approvers